Understanding devices
It would be great if VR devices were like TVs, and you could just buy one and get started. But that's not the reality. There are two camps with respect to devices, 3 DoF vs 6 DoF. In both cases, you are in the scene and interacting with learning content. Both are immersive.
One, 6 DoF, allows/promotes more movement for a greater sense of immersion. But as with all things in life, there is a trade-off, and in most cases, what you give up for 6 DoF is not worth a move to that device.
VR Content is very heavy (GB and MB), so it's best and easiest (for the user) to have preloaded content modules, rather than relying on loading and off-loading heavy content pieces... most often putting a huge dependancy on supremely reliable internet connectivity, which never falters, glitches, or is down. Does that sound like the reality of your classroom?An online solution is easiest for a company to deliver, but not in the user's best interest.