VR in education is truly a puzzle, and even one misaligned piece can create problems, and disappointment.
1. Hardware. The VR device must be suitable for the learning objectives. Not all are. Simply having a VR device does not mean you have a solution. 3 DoF vs 6 DoF is the the major decision here, among a few other considerations.
2. Content. The driver behind any solution is the content, but without the right way to view/interact with the content, you will not be getting what you hoped for. Thus the reason why content is #2, in this list. Interactive content drives learning toward high order thinking skills.
3. Online/offline. The easist path forward for a content provider is to have a completely online solution. This is also the hardest for the user because of the large file sizes inherent with VR content. A more important and compelling solution is offline, available to everyone in the world. Don't get fooled by "offline-ish" (go to the Learn More page to... well... learn more).
4. Ease of use. True adoption of a technology, across a wide spectrum of users is dependent upon an ease of use by both learners and instructors.
It is deeply flawed notion that "3 DoF is ok for schools, but 6 DoF should be used for enterprises, higher ed, corporates and so on." The key points shown above, and many more discussed throughout these pages, hold true for all instances in which the VR is being used for learning. For gaming and entertainment, use whatever device you like and feel most comportable with. That has nothing to do with the information specifically tied to education and learning being shown here. All information displayed on this site is backed by research and first-hand experiences in classrooms and within institutions across the globe, since 2016.
Learning is learning, whether it is math and science, language learning, SEL, safety training, soft skills, nursing, electrical, mental health, and so on. This is all greatly enhanced by an immersive environment such as virtual reality, and more specifically 3 DoF. When multiple headsets are deployed at one location, 3 DoF is the only practical, feasible, and sensible solution.
Where 6 DoF becomes the best choice is for high skills training such as: fine motor control manipulation, welding, surgical training, musical instrument practice, dentistry, jewelry making, and art restoration. Key areas where 6 DoF can be beneficial, and possibly worth the extra cost (device cost, IT dept time and effort cost, space and real estate cost, privacy cost, increased complexity cost, and so on) are:
Sensible Educational Content
Extensive content package preloaded onto the SVR headset shown, which includes:
A Sensible VR Headset
Newly designed and future proof.
Made for all applications which require advanced technology paired with privacy and security, for ALL learning applications.
A single controller with 3 buttons and trackpad means that this is much easier to learn and manipulate for special needs students, while not giving up the interactivity needed by all.
SVR content is protected, but it is an unlocked device, meaning it is YOUR device and other content can be added and viewed. Looking to explore the metaverse safely, without tracking? This is your device.
The most Sensible Solution
An easy-to-buy package which is affordable and encourages high usage
MySense-VR editing tool
An easy-to-use, PC-based, offline VR creation tool allowing students and teachers to make VR projects, without limitation.All of this is available completely offline. A truly revolutionary solution which respects the reality of schools worldwide.
Sensible-VR has a singular mission of ensuring that you learn how to critically judge the various options in the market, and get the most out of your learning dollars. Our mission is to bring real educational value to schools. VR should be about connecting students with concepts, connecting teachers with students, and connecting districts with useful data and analytics. Soon, this will all make sense.